Sunday, March 16, 2008

Dating is....

Dating is the most difficult and bittersweet courtship... it can be fun, it can be painful, but it is life experience in the purest form because love is the one thing that someone may long for their entire life but have no control over. Love can be a huge mountain, a gentle garden, a raging storm, a cool breeze, or a perfect bath. But there is always fire somewhere nearby. there is always the red-hot stuff of the soul's initiation. If there isn't fire, then it isn't love. It might have all the signs of what the world calls a "successful relationship" . But if it doesn't insist that you move to your next level, if it doesn't take your heart and make it explode in a million pieces, only to fall back together again in some moment of enlightened understanding, then you haven't really loved.

For those of us who still believe in faithful, mutual love..will it ever happen for us? Will someone walk into our lives one day and change everything? Where do the few quality people left out there meet these days? Unfortunately it seems so few and far between that I resort to this. Are you out there, awake, bored, imagining feeling the comfort of your arms around someone you care about?? I'm not always such a sap, but if you can't express your thoughts and feelings in the beginning, when will you really be able to?